Blackout (for the show Animus Femina of the acrobat Erika Lemay)
Official website
Animus Fenima -
- Program interactive video and interactive 3D content.
- Develop a 3D tracking software to track Erika's silhouette on stage.
- Develop a real-time video mapping software to project images on specific body parts of the acrobat.
- Provide expertise in computer vision and performing arts to adapt the scenography to the needs of the technology used.
- Plan and organize the software development and propose scenography alternatives in order for the projet to be completed within the very short production delay.
Details techniques
Programmation C/C++, OpenFrameworks, Kinect SDK.
Production Erika Lemay
Staging Ghislain Turcotte
Visual conception BlackOut Design
Interactive conception BlackOut Design and Pixiole